Tergazyme Enzyme Active Powered Detergent Product Details
- pH of 1% solution: 9.5
- Flash Point (degrees F): None
- Phosphate Content (as Phosphorus): 7.5%
- Organic Carbon (1% calculated w/w): 11%
- Fragrance Content: 0%
- Surface Tension 1% Sol’n (Dyne/cm): 32
- Percent active ingredients: 100%
- Color: White and cream colored flakes and brown specks
- Form: Powder
- Solubility in Water: To 10% (w/w) at ambient temperature
- Hard Water Effectiveness: Highly Effective
- Biodegradability: Biodegradable
- Foam Tendency: High Foaming
- Shelf Life: Two years from the date of manufacture
Enzyme-Active Powdered Detergent
- Concentrated to save you money
- Biodegradable and readily disposable
- Replaces corrosive acids and hazardous solvents
- Protease enzyme removes proteinaceous soils, tissue, blood and body fluids
- Free rinsing to give you reliable results and no interfering residues
- Use to pass your cleaning validation tests for lab accreditation and plant inspection approval
Hospital instruments, dairy equipment, laboratory ware, reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration membranes and units, sampling apparatus, pharmaceutical apparatus, cosmetics manufacturing equipment, tubing, pipes, optical parts, process equipment, industrial parts, desalination plants, tanks and reactors. Authorized by USDA for use in federally inspected meat andpoultry plants. Passes inhibitory residue test for water analysis. FDA certified.
Used to remove:
Surfaces cleaned:
Corrosion inhibited formulation recommended for glass, metal, stainless steel, porcelain, ceramic, plastic, rubber and fiberglass. Can be used on soft metals such as copper, aluminum, zinc and magnesium if rinsed promptly. Corrosion testing may be advisable.
Cleaning method:
Chemical Description
Tergazyme consists primarily of a homogeneous blend of sodium linear alkylaryl sulfonate, phosphates, carbonates, and protease enzyme. Tergazyme is anionic in nature. The protease enzyme in Tergazyme is bacillus licheniformis subtilisin carlsberg which may be deactivated by 300 ppm hypochlorite at 85 degrees F in seconds; 3.5 ppm hypochlorite at 100 degrees F for 2 min; exposure to pH below 4 for 30 min at 140 degrees F; or by heating to 175 degrees F for 10 min.Cleaning Validation Methods
Test a parameter of rinse water before and after rinsing the cleaned surface, or test the clean surface. No significant change in the parameter indicates no detectable detergent residue. Parameters measured include: pH, conductivity, UV, TOC, HPLC, sodium concentration, phosphorus concentration, anionic detergent concentration using inexpensive detergent water testing kits, surface tension, and surface analysis.
Health Safety Information
- OSHA Hazardous Ingredients: None
- RCRA Hazard Class: Non-hazardous
- Flammability: Non-flammable
- Latex Content: None in detergent, packaging materials or adhesives.
- Oral Toxicity: LD50 > 5000 mg/kg oral rat. No ingredient defined as an oral toxicant by OSHA
- Eye Irritation: Mild to Moderate eye irritant if not rinsed Inhalation
- Toxicity: Non-irritating solution, powder a potential irritant
- VOC Content: 0%
- Carcinogenicity: NTP = No IARC = No OSHA = No
- All ingredients in Tergazyme are listed in TSCA inventory. USDA NSF cat A1
No special precautions other than good industrial hygiene and safety practices employed with any industrial chemical (see Directions). A Material Safety Data Sheet is available here.