Detergent 8 Product Details
- pH of 1% solution: 11.0
- Specific gravity (g/ml): .99
- Density (lbs./gal.): 8.25
- Flash Point (degrees F, cleveland open cup): 201
- Phosphate Content (as Phosphorus): 0%
- Organic Carbon (% calculated w/w): 35-40%
- Fragrance Content: 0%
- Surface Tension 1% Sol’n (Dyne/cm): 32
- Color: Clear
- Form: Liquid Solubility in Water: Completely soluble
- Hard Water Effectiveness: Highly Effective
- Biodegradability: Biodegradable
- Foam Tendency: Low Foaming
- Shelf Life: Two years from the date of manufacture
- Hazardous materials shipping charges apply to orders of this product
Low-Foaming Ion-Free Detergent
- Replace solvent cleaning
- Concentrated to save you money
- Biodegradable and readily disposable
- Penetrating wetting power to save you time
- Free rinsing to give you reliable results and no interfering residues
- Contains no phosphate, sulfur, chlorine, metal cation, halide, borate, silicate, carbonate, chlorocarbon, fluorocarbon or chelating ingredients
Circuit boards, electronic parts, phosphate sensitive labware, nuclear reactor cavities, delicate industrial parts and nuclear contaminated equipment during outage. FDA certified.
Used to remove:
Surfaces cleaned:
Corrosion inhibited formulation recommended for glass, metal, stainless steel, ceramic, plastic, and circuit boards. Can be used, with prompt rinsing, on soft metals such as copper, aluminum, silver, and gold. Aluminum can darken and mixed metal galvanic reactions can occur. Corrosion testing is advisable.
Cleaning method:
Chemical Description
Detergent 8 is a non-ionic, phosphate-free homogeneous blend of an alkanolamine, glycol ethers and an alkoxylated fatty alcohol. Contains no chelating agents, halides or conductive metal cations such as sodium.
Cleaning Validation Methods
Test a parameter of rinse water before and after rinsing the cleaned surface, or test the clean surface. No significant change in the parameter indicates no detectable residue. Parameters measured include: pH, spectrographic methods, surface tension, and surface analysis.
Health Safety Information
- RCRA Hazard Class: Non-hazardous
- EPA Priority Pollutants: None
- DOT Hazard Class: UN 1760, Corrosive Liquid, n.o.s. (contains isopropanolamine), 8, PG II
- Flammability: Non-flammable
- Latex Content: None in detergent, packaging materials or adhesives.
- Oral Toxicity: LD50 > 500 mg/kg oral rat. No ingredient defined as an oral toxicant by OSHA
- Eye Irritation: Potentially serious eye irritant
- VOC Content: 70% as is
- Carcinogenicity: NTP = No IARC = No OSHA = No
- All ingredients in Detergent 8 are listed in TSCA inventory.
No special precautions other than good industrial hygiene and safety practices employed with any industrial chemical (see Directions). A Material Safety Data Sheet is available here.